Saturday, August 1, 2009

Back to School Shoe Shopping

If my kid doesn’t complain about sore feet, do I need to worry about what I put on his feet? Some children spend most of their days running around the yard barefoot all day and never complain about a thing until they step on a nail or thorn. Other children will wine all day about their feet hurting. So what do you need to be looking for when you are shopping for new shoes for the new school year?

My kid never complains!
Wow! Can we trade? Alright lets be serious all kids complain but not all kids complain about their feet. It is best to actively ask the child, “Do your feet hurt? Do you feel pain in your feet when you are out playing?” Some children ignore the pain because they are having so much fun. Think about how awesome it is to be on the soccer team or play in the park with your best buddies… You wouldn’t stop unless you had to. How many kids pee in their pants because they don’t want to stop playing?

There no special accommodation, devices, or exercises that are required for healthy foot living. There is a level of common sense that needs to come into play though… for some this is difficult. Kids shoes can be trendy, inappropriate, and can lead to pain.

Stay away from the following
· Pointy toes
· Platforms
· Flip flops
· Stilettos—Teenagers love to sacrifice comfort for style!
Standard Shoes for Back-to-School
· Good Athletic Shoes (light colors are preferred for the gym and will decrease sweating)
· A wide toe box for dress shoes

My Kid Does Complain about Their Feet!
It is not uncommon for children to have foot and ankle problems. The good news is that these are highly treatable! If your child is complaining about foot pain, seeing a podiatric physician will help prevent complicated problems in your child’s future. Common problems can range from flat feet to ingrown toenails. Treatment is often non-invasive and conservative. Children can be prescribed special insoles known as orthoses and physical therapy to help strengthen the weak or ill-working muscles, joints, and ligaments. Children tend to be extremely active, so podiatric physicians can work around sport schedules and care for their feet to optimized their performance and enjoyment of their preferred after school activities.
Save your child from grandma’s bunions and dad’s recurring ankle sprains. Seek consultation on your child’s foot pain from a medical professional such as a podiatric physician. Even if your child is not experiencing pain, remember to use common sense when shopping for this year’s new shoes!

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