Isn’t it great that you can buy cheese pre-grated. I had to grate cheese for dinner last night and I realized how awkward and difficult it was to use a cheese grater. If only the grater fit nicely in your hand like those Ped Eggs I see on commercials. Maybe that is what I’ll do next time; use a ped egg to grate my cheese because I surely wouldn’t be caught dead taking that device to my body.
It seems like every time you turn on the TV or walk through the pharmacy there is a Peg Egg waiting to be bought. With over 75% of the population suffering from foot problems, almost everyone is looking for a foot product to fix their problems. Is Peg Egg the answer to all of our problems? Personally, I think this gadget is better suited in the kitchen rather than the medicine cabinet.
Many people suffer from calluses and they can be very unsightly and very painful. For years, my patients have asked me advice on lotions and pumice stones, but now I’m frequently being asked about the Ped Egg. My answer: It is not safe! The Ped Egg is made up of sharp metal blades that literally cuts or shaves your skin off. Why would that ever be a good idea? Calluses are accumulation of dead hard skin. If painful, the callus can be reduced by medical professionals using a scalpel. This involves a delicate technique to prevent open lesions, bleeding, and infections. This type of callus is a sign of improper foot structure or gait. To treat, the doctor not only takes down the callus with instruments but also treats the patient with devices and or therapy to correct the underlying problem. The fact that patients may be self treating these problems with a glorified cheese grater is downright scary!
Most people experience rough dry skin because of improper shoe gear. This problem is easy to treat with specific lotions, stones and a change in shoes. The dry dead skin should be sloughed off to remove the dead skin and not any of the live, healthy skin underneath. Imagine if you had an old piece of furniture and the paint was chipping off. To remove the paint but save the chair, you would use a sander to just take off the top damaged layer. You would never think to take a chain saw, a chisel, or ax to the chair unless you wanted to completely destroy it. If you want to lose your foot then the Ped Egg is right up there with the chain saw. If you actually want to save your foot and have it look all nice and pretty than stay away from the fancy cheese grater.
With all jokes aside, the Ped Egg can be very dangerous for people with diabetes, peripheral vascular disease or any other disease that compromise the healing process or the immune system. Sometimes it only takes a tiny cut for some to get a devastating infection. Any product that has the potential of cutting the skin should be used with severe caution or not at all.